Hey there=)
Can you believe it's already 2012? Ya know the world is going to end soon;) he he. Well alot has happened since my last post. Christmas was good. We got to talk to Hadley over skype! Pretty cool, so he got to see McCoy for the first time. He is doing good and has been out for 3 months. Blake was loving the break getting to ride horses almost everyday. McCoy was cranky in Delta and as soon as we got home he became his old self again. He had his 2 month appointment and is over 10 lbs and over 22 inches long. He is very smiley in the mornings. He loves to watch Toy Story!
Santa came to visit over at Myers' big family Christmas party. McCoy was on the nice list.
My best present ever!
McCoy got spoiled with all his presents from everyone.
For New Year's Eve we flew to Texas to visit my family. I'll admit that Christmas just didn't really feel like Christmas because of the circumstances. It was hard saying hello and saying goodbye. But can I just say that I love spending time with my family=) And I know that they really loved us being there too. McCoy got to meet his grandpa for the first time. Texas has the best shopping ever! If we didn't have school I probably would have stayed there for a really long time. Ha. The weather there was beautiful; I got to wear flip flops and McCoy got to sit outside in the sunshine.
Me and My Grandpa!
Just chillin
My first horse ride.
McCoy's first time being outside in the sunshine.
Say cheese.
We have started our last semester here at SUU!!! We are thrilled! I'm in the Block and Blake is just finishing his classes for Pharmacy school. We should hear from UTAH soon about an interview. I'm a little nervous about the Block just because we have a lot of things to do, I sure hope that I can do it well and take care of McCoy.
McCoy go this shots and he did really good. We did half and half, so the first ones man was he mad and screamed. But the second set he was asleep so just whimpered for a minute than fell back to sleep. That is the key I guess=)
Our big boy! He is starting to look more and more like Blake everyday.
Our little family
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
1 month ago
Your little boy is so cute!